Free Fall

Free Fall

Freier Fall

A promising career with the police, a baby on the way -- Marc's life seems to be right on track. Then he meets fellow policeman Kay and during their regular jogs Marc experiences a never-before-felt... More
1h40m Germany 2013
繁體中文 简体中文 English Bahasa Indonesia ภาษาไทย
Gay Affair Lust Europe Movies


A promising career with the police, a baby on the way -- Marc's life seems to be right on track. Then he meets fellow policeman Kay and during their regular jogs Marc experiences a never-before-felt sense of ease and effortlessness -- and what it means to fall in love with another man. Torn between his family and his new feelings for Kay, Marc sees his world careening more and more out of control. Suddenly, his life is in free fall and Marc realizes that try as he may, he can't make everyone happy. Least of all, himself.

'An engaging and involving movie beautifully filmed and subtly played out.''-Greg Mitchell, The Gay UK'

IMDb 7.6 high score!


Stephan Lacant
Hanno Koffler Max Riemelt Katharina Schüttler
Awards & Selections
Berlin International Film Festival 2013 - DIALOGUE en Perspective, Teddy Award Selection, Taipei Film Festival 2013 - International New Talent Competition, Philadelphia International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival - Best Feature
Is Love All You Need?

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