Taxi Stories

Taxi Stories

A closeted gay Beijing cab driver tries to seduce a rich passenger, a Hong Kong pregnant trophy wife starts to develop feelings for her new Indonesian maid and a Jakarta slum orphan becomes... More
1h35m Hong Kong/Indonesia/China/Netherlands 2017
繁體中文 简体中文 English Bahasa Indonesia ภาษาไทย Español
Gay Lesbian Marriage Sexual-Awakening Asia China-HK Movies


A closeted gay Beijing cab driver tries to seduce a rich passenger, a Hong Kong pregnant trophy wife starts to develop feelings for her new Indonesian maid and a Jakarta slum orphan becomes infatuated with a Western female backpacker. All 3 characters desperately want to connect on a basic human level but are their own worst obstacle. In a new Asia where social mobility is linked to increasing wealth, money divides and separates each of them making it harder to be who they really are and not what they appear to be.

'Doris Yeung blends sexuality, power and class across three stories to create something surprisingly thought-provoking.'-Tim Issac, Big Gay Picture Show

IMDb 7.9 high score!


Hong Kong Indonesia China Netherlands
Doris Yeung
Corallin Cao Shanty Paredes Petrina Fung
Awards & Selections
Los Angeles Asian Film Festival 2017, Beijing Queer Film Festival 2017, Vancouver Queer Film Festival 2017
Three tales of power imbalance in the gay-themed film

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