The Falls

The Falls

The Falls is a feature film about two missionaries that fall in love while on their mission. RJ travels to a small town in Oregon with Elder Merrill to serve their mission and teach the words of... More
1h31m USA 2012
繁體中文 简体中文 English Bahasa Indonesia ภาษาไทย 日本語
Gay Crush Sexual-Awakening LGBTQ-Child Religion North-America Movies


The Falls is a feature film about two missionaries that fall in love while on their mission. RJ travels to a small town in Oregon with Elder Merrill to serve their mission and teach the words of Joseph Smith. Living together and sharing the challenge of leaving home, the two men help each other discover their strengths. They share a passion for their faith and learn to express their feelings, risking the only community they have for a forbidden intimacy.

☆ When love collides with faith, how should a missionary make his choice?
☆ A bold depiction of the forbidden and intimate love affair between two Mormons that is more touching than the gay classic 'Latter Days'


Jon Garcia
Nick Ferrucci Benjamin Farmer Brian Allard Harold Phillips

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