Riki and Luca, two young individuals searching for their place in the world, find solace and love in each other's embrace. Their journey takes a dark turn when they become targets of relentless bullying by a group of peers. Despite their resilience, a tragic incident leaves Luca hospitalized, his life hanging by a thread. In the aftermath, their once pure love transforms into a complex relationship, marred by power struggles and resentment from Luca's grieving parents.
☆ A timeless vow to be together forever, cherishing each other till the very end.
☆ An emotionally captivating journey, encompassing tenderness, courage, solitude, and melancholy, stirring profound feelings that leave a lasting impact.
☆ A timeless vow to be together forever, cherishing each other till the very end.
☆ An emotionally captivating journey, encompassing tenderness, courage, solitude, and melancholy, stirring profound feelings that leave a lasting impact.