![Handsome Stewardess Episode 6 (Finale)](https://img.gagaoolala.com/media/b1d89cb6-372319-lg.jpg)
Meng Lian finally found out that the chairman was not a gay, but a rich, talented and gorgeous woman. Meng Lian asked jealously: is Holly fighting for human right, or is she actually having an affair with Pan? She decided to move out from the house. Chuan came to help. When the court was adjourned, Holly called Jerry, knowing that Meng Lian had just left the house.
At the end, Holly won the case, but she quitted the job at the same time. Pan showed up again, offering chances for her to work in the company. Holly insisted that she doesn’t want to live in a world without Meng Lian. She planned to move back to Taiwan, to build a martial hall using one of the room in the Ilan House, waiting for Meng Lian to come back and live the future together with her.
Meng Lian didn’t accept the invitation right away. However, she was inspired by Holly. She finally decided to take part in Energy Fight. She realized that the future is not always assured, but she couldn’t give up on MMA, too. She made up her mind to go on her own way.
When the conflict went from bad to worse, the media press put Holly in the spotlight. Involving in a lawsuit with the airlines, Pan from the KK Fashion Group got her back by offering an experienced lawyer.
At the end, Holly won the case, but she quitted the job at the same time. Pan showed up again, offering chances for her to work in the company. Holly insisted that she doesn’t want to live in a world without Meng Lian. She planned to move back to Taiwan, to build a martial hall using one of the room in the Ilan House, waiting for Meng Lian to come back and live the future together with her.
Meng Lian didn’t accept the invitation right away. However, she was inspired by Holly. She finally decided to take part in Energy Fight. She realized that the future is not always assured, but she couldn’t give up on MMA, too. She made up her mind to go on her own way.
When the conflict went from bad to worse, the media press put Holly in the spotlight. Involving in a lawsuit with the airlines, Pan from the KK Fashion Group got her back by offering an experienced lawyer.